Friday, November 6, 2009

Vancouver Chiropractor suggests some tips.

Keep yourself healthy. Prevention is key to wellness. Don't wait for symptoms to emerge. Start a work out regimen that suits you, including stretching, walking, swimming etc. Eat well, cut down on sugars and increase water intake. Get adjusted to stay balanced.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Rain rain rain in Vancouver?

Vancouver Chiropractic..........

Yes, the rainy wet dreary weather is back for a while. How do you stay on top of your wellness routine? First and foremost, add an Omega 3 to your daily routine... ie: fish oil/flax oil etc. That will help in keeping your mood up and your immune system stronger.
Next, get some cardio in your daily routine, even if it means using stairs, walking briskly in the mall, or doing jumping jacks while waiting for the laundry.. You get my drift. The most important is check your posture often, stretch and take deep breaths. Spring is not THAT far away (:

Dr. Nora

vancouver chiropractor

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Vancouver Chiropractor relieves stress on the spine

Its quite amazing what stress can do to the body! Don't underestimate or downplay the effects that emotional and mental stress can have on your muscles, spine and the nervous system. If you are dealing with family, work, or general life stress that can take a toll. Its all interconnected and all relevant to the pain that you experience. If you are feeling that stretching, relaxation, and excercise aren't enough to keep you moving well, consider having your alignment checked by a chiropractor that focusses on posture and prevention. As your Vancouver chiropractor, I think because we are such an active population it more important to create correct movement in the spine and relieve stress on the nervous system.

Call us or email us to learn more.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Kids Back to School in Vancouver? Check this out!!!

I found this great article about back packs below!! Considering how many kids I see in practice at Vancouver Chiropractic, I figured it would be a beneficial read for you parents!!!!!

"Today's kids are prone to back problems, much like adults. You only need to look at a group of children heading off to school and you'll see why: huge, bulky backpacks that hang from their shoulders are a major source of concern. Other troubles stem from a child's posture while sitting at a desk at school, sitting in front of a computer, or playing video games.

The weight of backpacks and similar items and the distribution of that weight across the back can play a role in damaging the muscles in the back. Whether the load is books, a musical instrument, or a hockey bag, it can disrupt the natural alignment of the spine if it is not carried correctly. Damage to children's backs may affect their health, growth, and overall well-being. Back-related problems that are not detected early could progress into adulthood.

Tips for choosing a backpack
A great first step is to be aware, and make sure that your child is aware, that a backpack may be too big or too heavy. Ask your child periodically whether or not the backpack is causing any discomfort, and look for signs of discomfort and strain in case your child is trying to "tough it out." If there is a problem, your doctor can help you find an appropriate treatment.

To maintain your child's good spine health, look for the following things when purchasing a backpack:

adjustable, padded straps that are at least 5 cm (2 inches) wide
lightweight material (canvas is a good choice)
hip strap
several compartments to store items of various sizes
wheels that allow the backpack to be pulled
Encourage your children to bring home only the necessary items from school on a daily basis. They should only carry around items they will be using that day - they shouldn't use their backpack as a storage locker! Cleaning out the backpack from time to time will keep it lighter too.

Video games, computers, and posture
Many children today spend an incredible amount of time in front of a computer monitor or television screen. With an average of eight hours per day of time spent staring at a screen, children are at risk for many problems, including:

back injury due to poor posture
obesity due to lack of exercise
eye strain
repetitive-stress injuries (often linked to carpal tunnel syndrome)
Poor posture is a major factor when kids are playing video games or doing their homework at the computer. Make sure they have a good chair that fits them properly. But also make sure that the child is sitting comfortably with good posture. Good sitting posture means:

chin parallel to the floor
ears lined up with the shoulders
feet comfortably touching the floor - if they are not, use a foot rest or adjust the height of the chair
lower back at the back of the chair
Teach your children proper posture from an early age and help them to become aware of how they are sitting, even when you're not around. Sitting properly at school and while doing homework will give your children long-term health benefits and will also help prevent injury."
Need more info? www

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fall is in the air at Vancouver Chiropractic!!!!!

Now that school is in session for the fall and the chill is in the air, people are starting to wonder how they are going to schedule in their routine for walks, stretching and general wellness. I am a big fan of core strength using yoga type poses, bosu ball, and brisk walking, to keep the metabolism going as well as keep you muscles firing correctly and in balance.

What is vital in ensuring your alignment prior to starting excercise are Chiropractic adjustments, stretching, and correct ergonomics (good posture/breathing).

Visit me, your Vancouver chiropractor to learn more and see how great your body can feel.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Have you been in an motor vehicle accident?

If you have recently been in an MVA (motor vehicle accident) and have experienced a whiplash type injury, it is critical that you seek some form of treatment. As a Vancouver chiropractor, I have seen injuries become chronic when not tended to in a timely fashion. Deal with the pain and inflammation first thru either natural (ice, arnica) or phamaceutical options recommended by your MD, then have a chiropractor assess your spine (xrays if nessesary) and recommend a treatment plan to improve your mobility and decrease pain.

At Vancouver Chiropractic, we have 13 years of experience dealing with ICBC and motor vehicle injuries.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Vancouver Chiropractic care for headaches

If you are experiencing tension type headaches, it may be time to have your spine checked for misalignments. When vertebral segments are not moving correctly, the body has to work harder, expend more energy, and put pressure on associated nerves. Those nerves may be innervating the head, eyes, ears and neck muscles. If that is the case, you may start experiencing tightness, stiffness, headaches, and fatigue.
At Vancouver Chiropractic, we believe prevention of headaches by stretching, correct posture, and stress reduction are your best tools. However, if you are already feeling the symptoms, then your alignment may need to be adjusted. Come see Dr. Nora for a check-up to determine a correct course of care that is right for you.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wrist pain? see your vancouver chiropractor!

If you are experiencing wrist or forearm pain, call us for an appointment. It may be something as simple as an overuse injury or strain that can be helped by a course of care using simple wrist mobilization and stretching techniques . Don't suffer needlessly!! At Vancouver Chiropractic, we believe in thorough evaluation and taking the time to understand your needs and injury. Visit us at for more information.

Tips from Your Vancouver Chiropractor

At Vancouver Chiropractic, its a priority to assist you in your health care quest. Now that fall is on its way, we are getting back into some routine of running around for our kids' schedules and forgetting our commitments for taking better care of ourselves.Taking that extra 5-10 minutes in the morning, after lunch, or before bed to continue (or start) you stretch routine is so beneficial to your muscles and spine. It will decrease pain throughout your day and increase flexibility and bloodflow for improved healing.

If you have had a very active summer and you feel out of sorts, then it may also be time to have a tune up with your chiropractor. Call us for more information
604-685-0052 or send us an email

Friday, May 22, 2009

Kids and Chiropractic

With so many things on the go with little ones, its easy for parents to forget the importance of their kids' spinal health. Let me remind you how valuable it is to get you children checked at every milestone. Just like you would their teeth and eyes, their spines are just as if not more important to the functioning of their day to day growth. Postural imbalances and strain from falls, growth spurts, improper footwear, etc... are examples of what can affect their musculo-skeletal integrity. For more information on how chiropractic for kids can assist your child's proper spinal function contact Vancouver Chiropractic inc. 604-685-0052.or

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Chiropractic & Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most important times to see a chiropractor! From the moment you conceive the body starts a chain reaction of changes due to the cascade of various hormones. Some are easy to see and others relate to changes in posture and position leading to discomfort.

As weight is gained, a downward pressure is exerted on the pelvis and lower spine and with the secretion on the hormone relaxin the ligaments in the body become further flexible. This can lead to tremondous vulnerability to strain in the lower back and pelvic joints as well overworked muscles which support these structures.

According to recent studies, chiropractic care can improve comfort levels in the second and third trimesters as well reduction for need of anelgesics during delivery.

Chiropractic care can also assist new moms with postitional stress associated with breast feeding and postural strain caring for a newborn.

Contact us if you have any questions on how chiropractic care during pregnancy can help you.

Vancouver Chiropractic inc.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Spring Fling!!

Now that spring in Vancouver is around the corner, its the best opportunity to visit your chiropractor's office. this is a great time of year to have an evaluation if you have never been or a re-evaluation if its been a while. Chances are you and your family are considering starting some outdoor activities in and around Vancouver. The same way you would get your equipment ready for the season, your body and your spine deserve the same (if not better!). Ask us for some great sport specific strethches!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Vancouver Chiropractic- Westside: treatment during pregnancy

Chiropractic care using the Webster Technique is a very valuable tool in pregnancy. If you have been recommended to a chiropractor who does this technique specifically, contact us at Vancouver Chiropractic inc. to book your appointment as early in your pregnancy as you can. The Webster Technique is a chiropractic treatment that is very safe and effective approach, specifically designed for the pregnant patient, to assess and treat the spine (lower back and pelvis) to achieve optimal mobility and balance. This has shown to have a positive influence and improvement on mother's pain levels and baby's positioning.
If you have specific questions , call us at 604-685-0052 or visit our website